Although, as it turned out, I was overly ambitious in setting forth on the New Project of making facial coverings for Wonderful GrandDaughter's staff, in light of my aches and pains (there's a reason it takes me at least a year to make a quilt!), I have managed to get a few made. We'll drop them off on WGD's front porch, about 15 miles from us, one day this week. The coverings in the center are turned over to show the backing fabrics that were used in most of the coverings. I'm hoping that WGD had a much more numerous response from the quilt guild to which I referred her.
The coverings look small; but, the pleats unfurl quite nicely. The twelfth covering that I've made, the one that I use myself, is not shown but is similar to the coverings that are in the right column in the above photo. Any further coverings will, of necessity, be of a different style - ones that tie, rather than having elastic. I've run out of the elastic (which was a tad wider than it is best to use, but it is what was available). I'm searching the house for something akin to clothesline cording to use as the ties. If (as I think to be the case) I have none, I'll have to sew a 55" tie for each covering.
Well done! Lots of sewers and crafters have stepped up to help. I am not a sewer. If people needed a cake I could do that!
Posted by: Liz Hinds | April 15, 2020 at 12:01 PM
Liz--Sewing skills (although this is stretching it, in my case) do come in handy. You sound like a match to my mother. She baked all sorts of cakes - even wedding cakes for lucky friends and relatives. She hand pieced quilt tops and probably made 5-10 house dresses in her life; but, when they were first married, it was my father who sewed a blue velvet dress for Mom. During WWII, she even sent cakes to GIs - cutting a large window in the top of the box and covering it with celluloid so that the postal service would be careful of it.
Posted by: Cop Car | April 16, 2020 at 04:15 PM
I stopped sewing much after we moved to Calif. My machine needs rejuvenation and a tuneup I expect. My dtr last used it years ago and something went wrong with it we never got fixed. I still have in my closet the last special fabric I purchased before we left Arizona, fully intending to make myself a two-pice pantsuit as I recall. Your masks look quite nice. I have some perfect size various-colors thin elastic hair ties the circumference of those on surgical disposable masks we wore that I may use to create a few non-sew masks.
Posted by: Joared | April 17, 2020 at 01:11 AM's too bad that you didn't get the pantsuit made before the machine crapped out. My machine is old and cranky, but it does better than does the one using it. Among my essential tremors, float-y near-sightedness, and achy back, sewing is a chore, by machine. (Add my arthritic hands and it's a chore, by hand.) Please post photos of your non-sew masks when you get them (or, at least one) made. Those hair ties should work well for you.
Posted by: Cop Car | April 17, 2020 at 10:19 AM
I'm sure Fantastic Niece truly appreciates all your hard work at making masks!
Posted by: bogie | April 19, 2020 at 06:04 AM
Bogie--Thankfully, your FN tells me that neither her nor Rachie's nursing homes has experienced any known exposure.
Posted by: Cop Car | April 19, 2020 at 09:44 AM